Daily Inspiration : EARNING IT

Is there something you want in life, and yet you never put forth any effort to make it happen? You probably don’t really want it.
If you borrow someone else’s goal, and fail to reach that goal, you haven’t really failed. You’ve given yourself the opportunity to re-evaluate your choices and your direction.
When you don’t really have the desire to do the work, then you don’t really have the desire to reach the goal. Because the value of the reward is created by you, in the process of earning it.
What things can you get excited about working toward? Those are the things that will bring true fulfillment to your life.
What do you consider to be worth your time, effort, and resources? What would you willingly make sacrifices and endure difficulties to create?
How do you know what’s really, truly important to you? It is whatever you are willing to earn.
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