Daily Inspiration : GIVE IT A CHANCE

How do you transform something you don’t feel like doing into something you are happily doing? Get started, and give it a chance.
Once you’re immersed in making the effort, it doesn’t seem that bad. In fact, with just a little additional nudge to your attitude, you can actually be enjoying it.
Remind yourself, when there’s something you’ve been putting off, that once you get started it won’t be bad at all. Remind yourself, and then get started.
Don’t view focus as something you have to strive to attain. Just get started, and give your focus a chance to take hold.
It’s really more enjoyable to make progress than it is to avoid effort. And it’s a whole lot more fulfilling.
So next time you find yourself procrastinating, stop and realize what a great opportunity you have. Go ahead, get started, give the effort a chance, and you’ll soon be thanking yourself for doing so.
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